Silent Auction

  • May 2019

    Happy May! We are looking forward to seeing all of our current and new families at the May Annual General Meeting. In May, we will be approving the financials for the preschool and voting in our new Executive members. We are still looking for a Treasurer to join the board as well as Class Reps for next year, if you have an interest in joining the Executive Committee please reach out to us at Our April Silent Auction was a great success. Thank you to everyone who participated and came out to enjoy a fun evening! Making Sense of Challenging Behaviour  No one is more susceptible to being misunderstood than the preschooler. Many of their most challenging behaviours would qualify them for any number of personality and behaviour disorders. Unlike infants and toddlers, preschoolers actually bear a resemblance to grown ups and therefore fool us into thinking that they are much more like us than they really are. Projecting our psychology onto them is a typical mistake. This month’s presentation will address commonly misunderstood preschooler behaviour including resistance, frustration, attachment, and impulsiveness. We will meet Christie Mackie, MA, RCC. She works as a Registered Clinical Counsellor in private practice, supporting […]

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  • April 2019

    Hope everyone enjoyed their spring break and got some sun and fun in. We are looking forward to an evening out with you all this month at the Silent Auction. Dress is cocktail or semi-formal so break out those party clothes. We will be serving dessert and small nibbles. Remember to bring cash for the bar and 50/50 draw. In order to expedite the Auction checkout, we will be pre-registering credit cards during April’s General Meeting, so make those handy on April 2. See you there! Duty days: In conjunction with the teachers the executive have decided to push the start time of duty days to 15 minutes before class begins. AM classes – 9:00 start  PM classes – 12:00 start This will allow the teachers time to prep for class and a lunch break. If you are on snack duty please be sure to have your snack prepped in a nut free zone before you come to the school eg. fruit and veggies cut up, cheese cut up. Thank you for all the families that participated in the survey sent out during spring break. Your responses will help guide the decision making of the executive. If you have any […]

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  • March 2019

    Auction Deadlines you Need to Know Our Auction is just around the corner, April 6 from 7-11PM at the Hive on Front St. Family donations are due by March 5. If you have not already done so, confirm your tickets via the link. Last chance to get tickets is March 15 We have some incredible items to bid on, fabulous beer and wine to sip on and delicious food to nibble on. Hope to see everyone. Tax Time Update Tax receipts for tuition and donations will be emailed to parents by the end of February.  Receipts will include all tuition and donation amounts received by QPPS in the calendar year (January 2018 – December 2018).   Tuition Receipts will be issued for all current students (2018-2019 school year) and past students (2017-2018 school year).  Donation receipts will be issued for gifts of cash and or items over $100. Books books books! Parents sometimes ask our teachers for some suggestions of their favourite children’s book authors.  Ms. Donna and Ms. Lyn love Eric Carle, Oliver Jeffers, Denise Fleming, Leo Leoni, Byron Barton, John Burningham, and Kevin Henkes to name a few. Did you know that the librarians at the New Westminster Public […]

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  • February 2019

    From the Executive It’s that time of year again! Registration dates are coming up for the 2019/2020 school year at the preschool. February 5th, 6:30pm – current families February 6th, 7pm – alumni families February 9th, 4pm – new families And looking to April, Silent Auction donations are now being accepted. Please return your donation along with the donation form by March 15. This year we are also accepting cash donations in lieu of a tangible item. Any cash donation over $100 will be given a donation receipt. Items can be left in the “auction” box outside the teachers office at the preschool, cash or cheques can be left in either Colby’s (4AM) or Ella’s (3AM) mailbox. We are all looking forward to a fun event! Introducing Mindfulness to the Early Years How do we as parents create an environment that not only engages young children but creates a culture of peace? How do we encourage ‘slowing-down’ without turning it into another behaviour to police? Learn strategies on how to build skills in stress-reduction, explore ways to transform routine into ritual, and foster compassionate ways of being that empower the whole family. Josephine Chan is our presenter for the February […]

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  • March 2018

    From the President Welcome March! Spring is just around the corner and the kids have had a great February. Valentine’s Day and the gallery visit were highlights for my kids. Enrollment is well underway now with our classes filling for the 2018/19 school year. We still have space in some of our classes, so spread the word! If you haven’t had the chance to complete the preschool survey, please do by clicking here.  Your feedback is highly valued. Have a restful March and enjoy Spring Break – March 19-23. Got a Talent for Budgets? The budget committee is established on an annual basis to participate in the review and preparation of the budget for the following year (this includes setting the tuition fees for the upcoming year). The committee includes the Treasurer, President, Vice-President, the teachers, and at least two volunteers from the general membership who will be returning members.   At the March GM, we will be asking for volunteers from the membership to join the budget committee. The budget committee meeting will be held from 7-9pm on Wed., March 14. If you are available to attend the committee meeting, are interested in learning more about how we plan […]

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  • February 2018

    From the President I can’t believe we are already looking ahead to September and the new school year.  We have just had our first open house and will be starting enrollment for 2018/19 school year early this month.  Huge thanks to Katie Orford for all her help and a big welcome to Sylvia Steigervald who is taking over helping our families get set for the new year. After enrollment begins orientation and then our Orientation Coordinator steps in.  Many thanks to Rolande Barbon for her work last year and welcome to Glen Murray who has taken over for her. Another round of thanks to James Stenabaugh who has been working very hard on the new website.  It looks amazing and is no easy task to undertake.  So THANK YOU! This preschool would be what it is without the parents (and your “voluntold” jobs) and dedicated teaching staff – thank you.  We still have lots of fun ahead with the auction around the corner.  I hope you had fun sourcing your item and have booked your sitter for March 3.  It is always a great night out! May your month be filled with all things Valentine – love, kindness and friendship.   Best, […]

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  • May 2016

    From the President We’re less than 1 month away from our 50th anniversary celebration!  We’re so excited to welcome our current and past families for an afternoon of family fun.  Join us May 14, from 12:00 noon – 3:00pm for music, games, princesses, and more! We’re looking for volunteers for the day.  If you know of older kids, teens, grandparents… anyone who might like to help out for the afternoon – we’d love to hear about it!  Help is needed between 11:00am – 5:00pm on May 14th. Duties include: help with setting up, assisting with games and the BBQ.  For older kids who need volunteer hours for school, we can provide a letter to document their volunteer hours. Also, if you haven’t yet noticed the big, white box on the counter… the chicks are coming! During the first week of May there will be baby chicks hatching at the preschool! So exciting. The chicks will be with us until May 10. Preschool Art Show In celebration of Queen’s Park Parent Participation Preschool’s 50th Anniversary, the current students at Queen’s Park Preschool have joined together to create colourful works of art to share with the New Westminster community. Inspired by recent […]

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  • March 2016

    From the President A few THANK YOU’S to get us started this month Enrolment Team A HUGE thank you to our amazing enrolment team of Donald and Natalie!  Not only is the preschool full for next September, the process was smooth and easy for all involved.  Donald and Natalie have been making changes to the process and further streamlining the paperwork involved – with wonderful results.  If you see them in your classes, please be sure to say thanks.  Word of mouth is best advertisement, so thanks to everyone who raves about us to their friends and neighbours. Document Review An equally HUGE thank you goes out to Jeff, our VP, for tackling the document review.  This involved the always exciting job of reviewing the preschool’s constitution, bylaws, handbook, polices and procedures.  As you can imagine, upwards of 60 pages gave him many evenings of inspired reading!  This review is to be done every 2-3 years, and the preschool was several years behind, so we thank Jeff very much for bringing us back up to date.  And thank you to those other families who assisted with proof reading and providing feedback… it is very much appreciated. Teachers If you have […]

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  • February 2016

    From Our President Farewell Teacher Jenny As most families will have read already, it is with great sadness we  announce the resignation of Teacher Jenny. Jenny has accepted a position as a Strong Start Facilitator with Stride Elementary. Working with the Strong Start program has been a long term goal of Jenny’s for some time and while we are devastated she is leaving the preschool, we are very happy for her as well.   We will keep everyone informed of our recruitment process, and if you do have any questions or concerns, please feel free to directly contact any member of the executive committee. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this transitional period. Support Workers: 3PM and 4AM We are so pleased to welcome Teacher Jennifer to our 3 year old afternoon class and Teacher Donna to our 4 year old morning class!  The role of a Support Worker is to assist the Teachers in supporting all the children in a class.  Please take a moment to welcome them both to your classes.  If you have any questions about the role of a Support Worker, please feel free to ask your teachers. Teacher Carli Goes on Practicum – Good Luck! […]

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  • December 2015

    From the President Here are a few quick tidbits to start off your December 🙂 Queen’s Park Preschool Turns 50 The planning is well on the way and we need your help! As part of the carnival, we’d like to have a music stage showcasing some of the preschool’s talent. Dance, music, singing… you name it, we want to hear about it. If you know someone – kids or adults – who might like to join our music stage, please let us know. We’re also searching for preschool memorabilia… class photos, artwork, report cards (yes, there used to be report cards!)… all those things parents save, we would love to see. As part of the celebration, we’re planning a visual timeline showcasing the preschool over the decades. We would love to see memorabilia from any decade, but we have a special interest in the 1960’s and 1970’s. New Westminster Family Place Once again this year, Queen’s Park Preschool will be collecting books and other items for New Westminster Family Place. New Westminster Family Place is a non-profit family resource program for families with children from newborns to five years of age. For the last several years our preschool has offered […]

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