May 2023

May 1, 2023

Message From Our Teachers

The month of April brought lots of rain showers and a little sun, but at preschool that did not stop us from having an awesome month.

Of course the well-attended Preschool Art Show at the Gallery in Queen’s Park was the highlight! The children all participated in making individual and group art. They were so proud to share their work with their families and friends. At the opening night we enjoyed welcoming alumni siblings, parents, grandparents and other significant people in our preschoolers’ lives. The feeling of community as everyone enjoyed an evening of good weather together, was priceless.

Easter meant our forest yard Easter egg hunt, Easter art, and playing with eggs in the water table!

The fairytale dress-up days were enjoyed by many children. We enjoyed playing with princesses, dragons, fairies, kings, woodland creatures and more. Acting out roleplays involving these characters were also so exciting! We read many classic stories like George and the Dragon, The Three Bears, and The Paper Bag Princess.

We enjoyed many art projects this month including watercolour mixing, easel painting, Easter egg paper decorating, collages, magic wand creating, and chalk pastel drawings inspired by our last art gallery visit. The children also used white boards to draw or practice letters and name writing.

Outside, the forest yard is still the best place for imaginative play and nothing can beat sand and water! We also loved making a track for balls with our gutters and other loose parts.

The police visit in the 3s will be remembered by all the children. We could sit in the police car and see a real police officer uniform close up! What an amazing way to learn and get exposure to new experiences.

We ended the month by welcoming a new classroom pet into our preschool family. Welcome S’more! She is a young guinea pig that was rehomed and we are so happy to have her!

We look forward to ‘Stream of Dreams’ that will visit the preschool in May. (

Don’t forget to take a look at our social media profiles for glimpses of our days’ activities and interactions! Follow on Facebook and on Instagram.

May Events and Important Dates

  • May 1st-3rd: Stream of Dreams presentation.
  • May 2nd: General Meeting @ 7PM at the Preschool.
  • May 11th: Mother’s Day at QPPS for the 3s.
  • May 12th: Mother’s Day at QPPS for the 4s.
  • May 14th: Happy Mother’s Day!
  • May 19th: School closed for Professional Development Day.
  • May 22nd: School closed in lieu of Victoria Day.

Stream of Dreams presentation happening at our school May 1st – 3rd.
Stream of Dreams is an eco-education program that teaches entire schools and their communities about their local watershed, streams, rivers, and the ocean. They promote behavioural change to conserve and protect water, empower youth to make positive environmental impacts, and create a community art legacy. All classes will be participating in this art project to be displayed along the school fence!

Fundraising Update: Silent Auction Night

We are excited to re-launch our silent auction fundraising event and hope you can join us at 7pm on Saturday, June 3rd at the Sapperton Pensioners Hall.

This is an adults-only event with music, drinks, appetizers and a silent auction to support the preschool. QPPS has deep roots in New Westminster and this event has traditionally been a fantastic way to engage with the community and raise funds to support the preschool.

Tickets are available for online purchase here.

Craft Corner: Ladder of Love For Mother’s Day

The only person in the world who can’t be expressed in every word – that would be our mother. A person who gives infinite love without wishing for any price, like a tree that gives generously.

With gratitude and love, let’s prepare a fun Mother’s Day activity with your child for any special mom in your life!

Materials: Coloured paper, white paper, markers, glue, scissors, tape, photos, and stickers.

Instructions: We’re going to create an easy ladder game with a special Mother’s Day prize at the end.

1. To create the card – fold A4 paper in half to create a card. Then take both sides of the card and fold them in half again, having the edge of the paper meet in the middle where your first fold was (so the card opens like French doors).

2. To create the prizes – fold coloured paper in half and cut a few vertical square cards. Inside each write or draw a gift, action, or word that your child wants to give.

3. To create the ladder game – draw a few vertical lines with a ruler on another coloured paper. Let your child draw the horizontal ladder lines across wherever they like.

4. Paste the ladder game paper inside the card from step 1.

5. Attach the prize cards from step 2 under the vertical lines of the ladders.

6. Decorate the front of the card and any empty spaces inside the folds. Draw pictures, attach photos or use stickers.

7. To play – Start at the top of any ladder line and follow the lines down picking your own path to any prize at the bottom of the ladder. Let your child help you with which direction to take, then claim your prize!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Reading Room: A Book Trip for May

It’s May! The days start to get longer, the air is sweet and your child is probably asking why they have to go to sleep when it’s still light out. Here are some books to get you excited about the warm weather ahead, to cuddle up with at bedtime, and of course, to celebrate the mothers in our lives.

Time to Sleep Alfie Bear! by Catherine Walters

I Love My Mommy Because… by Laurel Porter-Gaylord

Victoria Day by Cynthia J. O’Brien







We are always here to support you! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our teachers.


QPPS teachers

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