Jessica Wollen

  • November 2015

        From the President This month (and possibly still reeling from Halloween candy overload) I will keep this short and sweet (see how I snuck that pun in there 😉 Mark your calendars… Queens Park Preschool turns 50 this year and we’re planning the celebration for May 14, 2016.  We are working on a community carnival – lots of fun for the whole family.  Stay tuned for more information.  Have you checked out the newly refurbished teachers’ chair?  Thanks in part to our City of New Westminster grant last year, the comfy chair and ottoman at the circle carpet has been fixed up and is ready for lots more stories and snuggles in the coming years.  Thanks to Teacher Jenny for making this happen! Ahem, have you missed a General Meeting…? Please submit your parent education make up assignment within 1 week of the missed meeting. Parent Education is part of the benefit of a parent participation preschool, and it’s also part of our responsibility as membership. If homework is more than 2 weeks late, we are violating our licensing. Please, make life easier on your class rep… it’s never nice having to “nag” another parent about homework! Just a […]

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  • May 2015

    From the President Tell us what you think! Please take a couple of minutes to complete our General Preschool Survey: Over the past few months, the preschool has been redesigning our feedback processes.  Our goal is to have surveys that be used annually with minimal changes needed, results that can be tracked over time, and higher response rates from members.  We are trying to amalgamate the current survey questions into two categories: information about the preschool’s operations (such as enrollment, orientation, jobs, administration, etc.) and classroom programming (such as communication with teachers, classroom activities, etc.).  Moving forward, hopefully we will have two surveys annually which will provide a baseline of information for the preschool’s executive to base decisions on.   Thank to Tara for all her help is reworking our surveys.  Let’s not make her efforts be in vain – please click the link above and tell us your thoughts! Our preschool was very privileged to host a delegation from the  Parent Cooperative Preschool’s International (PCPI) conference, which took place in Vancouver this year.  They toured the preschool, shared ideas and conducted a business meeting while onsite.  PCPI is a North American organization A big thank you to Teacher Jenny […]

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  • April 2015

      From the President Wow do I ever have a lot of news for you this month! First off, don’t forget that the closure dates for Easter are April 3-6 – we will reopen April 6. And for the rest of my news, to keep it simple, I have broken it down into a few topics: Spring Break We have heard from a few families asking about extending our preschool Spring Break to two weeks. As this has been a question ever since the school district moved to a 2 week break, this year we will be discussing it at the April GM, with a vote taking place at the May GM to set the length of next year’s break. In preparation, here is some background information: – When the school district extended Spring Break to 2 weeks, the preschool’s executive at the time decided to remain with a 1 week break and see how attendance was.  As attendance for the 2nd week was high, the decision was made to continue with a 1 week break.  Attendance has been tracked each year, and has been within the normal range. – Last year, at the request of families, the preschool year […]

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