Message From Our Teachers
Road and Ramp
It was a huge hit for all the classes to make very unique and creative roads and ramps.
5 little Speckled Frogs
We sang “5 little speckled frogs” during circle time and they showed up at our water table! We started with soapy water and each day, teachers added new items, such as logs and rocks in the water table. Children had so much fun playing with the little frogs jumping to the water from the logs and rocks.
Bugs, Bugs, More Bugs!
As it gets warmer outside, we have more chances to find bugs outside. Teachers realized that children, especially from the 3’s class have been into finding bugs when we move our planters outside. We decided to take this opportunity exploring bugs in the classroom as well. It was a huge hit for 3’s class and many children were obsessed to play with spiders! Probably, we’ll continue exploring spiders next!
Pirate ship
One of the children peeked into our toy storage room and was very excited about the pirate ship, so teachers decided to pull it out to the classroom. It was a huge hit for the children from all the classes. Some children were pretending to be pirates and sliding down on the sail of the pirate ship. Many children were very curious about the functions of the pirate ship. Cannon windows on the side of the pirate ship were very popular and children were very interested with them.
Camping in preschool!?
One of the children from 4 year old class was excitedly sharing the idea of camping. Teachers suggested the child make a little camping ground and campfire with the small logs, little people and electric tea candles. Many children enjoyed sharing their camping memories with their families and pretended that they were camping in the forest and enjoying the campfire. We decided to pull out a kid size tent to the play area with a pretend campfire. Many children pretended to be babies and cats and had an awesome time in the tent and around the campfire.
Rolling Marbles and Golf Balls
3 year old class had a great time rolling the painted golf balls in the art tray. It was a bit hard to maintain the balance and rolling the golf balls in the tray at the beginning, but they worked very patiently and enjoyed mixing colours by rolling the golf balls.
4’s enjoyed playing with the marble runs. They connected the marble runs by themselves and they learned construction and physics skills through the marble runs.
Earth Day Celebration
We acknowledged Earth Day this month. We read a story and sang a recycling song at circle time thinking how to save and be kind to our earth. We planted vegetable and flower seeds, and we’ve been using aisle paper on both sides to save our earth! Also, we did an activity of water colour pipette on a coffee filter to recognize how beautiful our earth is:) Let’s continue what we can do to save our earth!
Flying Bats and Bat Cave
We took some stuffy bats out to the class and many children excitedly found them and started playing with them. Some made food out of playdough because the bats were very hungry and some enjoyed letting the bats fly and explore the classroom together. One of the 4 year old children was sharing the habits of bats and we figured out the way of letting the bat sleep upside down on the tree and in the cave built with the wooden blocks. After a few days, teachers noticed that some children from 4Year old class were saying that bats live and sleep in a cave. We decided to make a bat cave in our classroom. We started connecting the arches with the shelves and added some branches for bats to hang upside down. Children figured out by themselves how to hang the stuffy bats upside down and it was very impressive and inspiring to see!
Dinosaur in the Classroom!?
Teachers pulled out some dinosaur books to the book shelf last week and we gradually added some dinosaurs with some wooden blocks this week. It was a huge hit especially for 3 year old class and children enjoyed making a house for the dinosaurs and letting them fight in the jungle! For our 4 year olds, we sat up the dinosaurs trapped with yarn, and children needed to free the dinos with the scissors! They struggled a bit to cut tangled up yarn around the dinosaurs, but once they got used to it, they requested the teachers to tie the dinosaurs with yarn again and again! It was such a fun activity and good exercise for the fine motor skill:)
Pizza Collage
Last week, we sang “I am a Pizza” at circle time and teachers decided to do a pizza collage activity. Some children made a pizza man and making eyes and mouth with peeretend ingredients. We all had so much fun making the collage thinking about making a real pizza for real!
Rainbow Rolling Pin Painting
As an extended activity of pizza making collage, we decided to introduce a rolling pin painting. We started with rainbow colours on the first day and we let the children choose their own colours on the second day. Children were very excited to see the colours mixed as they rolled the rolling pin.
Friendship Fruit Salad Day
On Thursday and Friday, we had a “Friendship Fruit Salad Day”. Many children brought some fruits to share and make yummy fruit salad together! All the children participated to chop the fruits into pieces and stir the salad. It was delicious and children loved eating the fruit salad during snack time!
Alphabet Soup in the Water Table
Teachers are planning to make a “Stone Soup” next week and as an introduction, we provided alphabet soup in the water table. Some children enjoyed sorting the alphabet into different colours and some pretended each colour indicated a different ingredient! It was very fun to see their imagination and creativity inspire each other.
Building Our Dream House!?
We enjoyed reading “If I built a House” by Chris Van Dusen on Wednesday and we got inspired by the fabulous ideas of the house! We started our floor plans at the circle time and added more on Friday. Children added some gardens with plants, bedrooms, playground, bathroom, racetrack room and under the water room!
Featured books of the month
“Pete the Cat with Four Groovy Buttons” by Eric Litwin
“We’re going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury
“Harold and the Purple Crayon” by Crockett Johnson
“King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub” by Audrey and Don Wood
“More” by I. C Springman
“10 Things That I Can Help My World” by Melanie Walsh
– “Little Owl’s Night” by Divya Srinivasan
Important Dates
- General Meeting on May 4th at 7:00pm, Zoom link to be sent by e-mail.
- Pro-D Day on Friday May 21st, preschool will be closed.
- Statutory Holiday, Victoria day on May 24th, preschool will be closed.
A Resource For Big Emotions
Please see this chart from the teachers that children can use when they feel big emotions. It is being used in the classroom, so may be helpful to be familiar with it if you’d like to use it at home too.
Popsicle Recipe
With the weather warming up, I find it’s time again to break out the blender to make some cool treats. Here’s a nutritious recipe from Super Healthy Kids for Peanut Butter Banana Yogurt Popsicles that’s a yummy hit in our home:
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