March 2020

March 2, 2020

Message from our Executive Board

Thank you all for a super successful enrolment in February. Was great to see many of you there. General Meeting on Tuesday March 3rd at 7pm. Looking forward to a great speaker and some updates about our school. Spring break is March 16 through 27. Classes start back up on Monday March 30th. 

On behalf of the Executive 

Message from our Teachers

This month was all about love and kindness. We celebrated Valentine’s Day, Family Day, and Pink Shirt Day to think about our friends and family. “Kindness begins with me” is our chant this month! Even though we had a surprise snow day early this month, we feel like spring is getting closer! We can hear birds singing and beautiful sunshine makes us feel warmer these days! We cannot wait to spend more time outside as the weather gets better and warm in spring!!

Here’s what we’ve done this month…

3’s Class

Ice cream making day was very fun to start this month! Teachers were very happy to have many little chefs at the table to mix the ingredients together! Measuring and counting is a great way to get familiar with numbers and math skill. Of course, it was such a great treat to eat our homemade ice cream at snack time:)

Many of the children were quite interested in the projector and light/shadows. Nowadays, projectors are antique for the young children and they don’t even know how it is supposed to be used originally! However, we did enjoy using this antique projector to explore lights and shadows! We added and switched different kinds of transparent materials to see their interest was moving from colours to shadows.

Friendship fruit salad making was another amazing activity to think about friends and our diversities. Teachers were so proud of the little helpers to chop up the fruits! It was obvious that they were very sophisticated in the kitchen at home!

Exploring goop was another popular activity this month. The idea of decorating cupcakes started when one of the children mentioned to the teacher about goop looking like icing! We made cupcakes and decorated them with icing just like we practiced at the goop table! Teachers are thinking we may make cupcakes from scratch next month! Yum:)

Ms. Henda introduced us “ramps” this month and our little future physicists enjoyed experimenting how each materials slide down the ramp. It was fun to see what makes the materials slide down faster or slower. Little physicists also enjoyed playing with dominos this month! Teachers were quite surprised that the children already knew how to play dominos! They patiently placed the dominos on the table and had good giggles and excitement when the dominos are knocked down!

Our monthly art gallery visit was always inspirational! This month was abstract pencil drawings by Alisha Sian. It was fun to guess what the drawings was telling us! Also, our Art Show and Art Auction is coming soon! We’ve been working on our masterpieces this month… On Friday, May 8th, our spring inspired art works will be displayed at the art gallery! More information is coming soon!

Teachers decided to extend the fish catching activity to something more fun! Our loft space is now “under the sea” area! It is so magical and fun to play with our imaginations pretending like we’re under the water! Teachers will add more materials in this “under the sea” area next month! Let’s see where this fun exploration will lead us!!

4’s Class

Teachers have realized that some children were into playing store. We decided to provide them play money to see what would happen. Our future accountants and store owners enjoyed using money to buy and sell toy cupcakes and cookies! It was also very nice to see the children were giving and sharing the toy treats with each other while we were celebrating Valentine’s Day. Thinking about how to share some love and kindness was a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Family Day, and Pink Shirt Day! A variety of fruits were gathered up for Friendship Fruit Salad Day and our little helpers were so excited to show their skill of chopping fruits! They were proudly chopped and showed us sliding chopped fruits from the cutting board to the big mixing bowl!

Ms. Henda has been introducing us different kinds of lines and shapes, this has been leading us to explore a maze, to get familiar with patterns, and work on self portraits. These interests will be continuously explored next month for sure! We also got inspired by pencil drawings at the art gallery this month. We saw how lines created beautiful and interesting drawings by Alisha Sian. Speaking of art, our Art Show and Art Auction is coming on Friday, May 8th and we’ve started working on our spring inspired masterpieces!! More information is coming up soon! Another fun and successful art exploration with Ms. Henda has been amazing ideas and creations out of wires! These wire art works will be displayed at the Art Show!

Teachers have observed that many of the little construction workers have been working very hard to make amazing sand mountains and mud soup by digging the sand box. Teachers have been amazed by how the little builders use materials to make their work accurate and efficient.

After a couple weeks of the loft being closed, it has now reopened as the “under the sea” area! Teachers have seen many of the interesting play and interactions with sea creatures and the under the sea children! It started with catching fish and swimming in the ocean and now it has been expanded to finding sea monsters activity! This exploration will be definitely continued and broadened next month!

March Recipes

Check out some fun St. Patrick’s Day recipes for kids from Super Healthy Kids !


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