Message from our Executive Board
February is registration month! Looks like we will be having a busy year coming in, if you have any friends share the dates below!
Please bring a completed registration form (available at www.qpps.ca) and $100 cash/cheque.
CURRENT FAMILIES (3’s and siblings)
Tuesday February 4th at 6pm
Wednesday February 5th at 6pm
Saturday February 8th at 4pm
Don’t miss out on your class social this month! The last few have proven to be so much fun and a great way to get to know some of the families in your child’s class.
Hope to see many of you in the coming weeks.
On behalf of the Executive
Message from our Teachers
The month of January has simply flown by. Everyone returned from winter break refreshed and relaxed. The snowfall created a wonderful play opportunity outside in our yard where we had snow ball fights and made snow angels. It was also a great deal of fun to get out on the hill. Some of us had a chance to observe what happens to snow when it comes inside.
The Snowy Day written by Ezra Jack Keats is the perfect classic children’s story to read during Winter. Other books we shared in January included: Tough Boris (a book about a pirate who cries) Under The Sea, Not Just A Dot, The Dot, Legend of the Chinese Dragon, Press Here, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Highlights in the threes programs? Polar bears, brown bears, colour mixing, colour sorting, finger painting and the three little bears tree house.
Highlights in the fours programs? Scarf and ribbon dancing, ice-cube melting, dragon drawing, buttons and alphabet letters.
The children’s interest in skeletons seems to have come to a conclusion at this time and we have moved on to pirates, treasure, castles and dragons! Our exploration of pirate life may have naturally transmuted to an interest in sharks and ocean life. Our fours have spent a great deal of time fighting off ravenous sharks with paper towel tube “swords!”.
At QPP we have recognised the lunar new year and have shared a few books with the children as well as focused on the colours red and gold. Red for good luck! Finger painting in our threes classes has most definitely been a popular activity! Have you had a chance to check out our dragon drawings created by the four year olds?
Back by popular demand is our pajama and hot chocolate day. A wonderful way to conclude the month of January and a sweet way to welcome the month of February! In February the children will continue to explore Chinese New Year, pirates and castles and weather. We will be making ice-cream together! Explorations of friendship and love, family and as an extension to touching on the Chinese zodiac, we will be exploring animals. Welcome year of the Rat.
Important dates to keep in mind for February 2020 include:
- Valentines Day in our 4’s classes is Wednesday February 12 and in our 3’s classes is Thursday February 13th.Feel free to bring valentines for your class. *Sharing of valentines is optional.
- The preschool is closed for teacher’s scheduled professional development day Friday February 14th.
- Monday February 17th is a statutory holiday and the preschool will be closed.
- We will be visiting The Gallery In The Park on Wednesday February 19th with our 4’s and Thursday February 20th with our 3’s.
- Fire drills will happen on Thursday February 27th and Friday February 28th.
On behalf of your teachers at QPP. Thank you for a wonderful January. We are looking forward to an amazing February!

February Recipes

This is a month we enjoy lots of delicious baking at home, and this oatmeal cookie recipe in particular from Nourishing Meals is a fun one to cut into heart shapes that’s nutritious and delicious!
Or these Chocolate Pumpkin Butter Cup Recipe from Super Healthy Kids!
In sweet health,
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