Message from our Executive Board Thank you all for a super successful enrolment in February. Was great to see many of you there. General Meeting on Tuesday March 3rd at 7pm. Looking forward to a great speaker and some updates about our school. Spring break is March 16 through 27. Classes start back up on Monday March 30th. NinaOn behalf of the Executive Message from our Teachers This month was all about love and kindness. We celebrated Valentine’s Day, Family Day, and Pink Shirt Day to think about our friends and family. “Kindness begins with me” is our chant this month! Even though we had a surprise snow day early this month, we feel like spring is getting closer! We can hear birds singing and beautiful sunshine makes us feel warmer these days! We cannot wait to spend more time outside as the weather gets better and warm in spring!! Here’s what we’ve done this month… 3’s Class Ice cream making day was very fun to start this month! Teachers were very happy to have many little chefs at the table to mix the ingredients together! Measuring and counting is a great way to get familiar with numbers and math skill. Of course, […]