November Parent Education There will be no GM in November. You have the choice of four different options to fulfill your parent education requirements for the month of November: 1) Christopher Burt (seminar) – FAMILY SYSTEMS Topic: “The Family System” Location: Marlborough Elementary, 6060 Marlborough Ave., parking lot off Dover Street Date: Thursday 15th November, 2012, 7pm-9pm Cost: Please note – There is a block of tickets for QPP members only. Let them know you are from QPP and you can go in. If you bring a non-QPP member, they must pay for their ticket. Open to the Public – $10.00 at the door. The Family System Seminar The Family System seminar explores not only what to expect from your preschooler, but also looks at tension in the parenting couple and extended family as a result of role changes, the emergence of sibling rivalry, and how (and why) parents inadvertently begin to actually ignore wanted behaviour in their children. When looking at the developmental stage of preschoolers parents often ignore their own developmental stages – both as an individual parent and as a family – and there are many ‘typical’ challenges to this stage of family development. www.christopherburt.net 2) Barry MacDonald (seminar)- […]